Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Lot of Firsts

Whew, where does the time go!  Well we successfully pulled off one of the best suprises ever:-)  Last weekend we drove from Phoenix up to the bay area over the course of two days (our first road trip) to attend my mom's suprise retirement party.  It was very hard to keep a secret, but totally worth it to see the shock on her face when she walked in the door and saw all of her friends and her whole family including her own brothers!  It was a lot of fun.  My father got to hold Owen for the first time, which was really great to see, and also to be able to let others hold him (like a *real* baby)(tongue in cheek)  It is just so nice to be able to be a lot less on edge about his health now that we are out of flu and RSV season and Owen is THRIVING.  Both on the way out to my parents and on our way home, we were also able to spend some time with Eric's family which was really fun too.  Owen had never met his cousins Carter and Emma and it was fun to do the first of *many* photo shoots among the three of them. 

Owen did amazing on the trip.  Shortly before we headed out to California, his eating had been deteriorating to less than 3 ounces each time coupled with lots of distress and crying:-(  Then two days before we left, he woke up a lot more congested than normal.  So we took him into the doctor to ensure that he wasn't becoming ill, and also to talk again about his reflux.  Our doctor decided to switch up his medication to a different acid blocker and assured us that he was well, just a little normal baby congestion.  Well within 24 hours of the new medication, Owen's meals were a total turn around.  Instead of eating 2 or 3 ounces at a time he was consistently eating 5 ounces and sometimes wanting more.  He still has some disorganization during eating so we try to eat in a quiet location with dim lighting and no distractions which helps (he also likes me to sing . . . his favorites are Amazing Grace, anything from The Sound of Music, Aretha Franklin's Natural Woman, The Star Spangled Banner and Taps:-))  It is so awesome to have him not be in pain while he is eating! 

Back to the trip.  He did awesome in the car, sleeping and playing on his own the whole time, minus very minimal stops for eating and stretching.  His schedule really didn't hit any hiccups at all as far as nighttime sleep only one night did he wake at 4 instead of his normal 8 or 8:30.  Naps during the day were pretty much a loss, since we had so many relatives to see it was just too exciting!  Lots of little dozes instead of real naps!  By the end of the trip, he was more "fussy" than normal (I hate that word), but I was really impressed. 

When we came back to Arizona we had our first feeding therapy in two weeks, and our therapist was so impressed with how well Owen was doing she suggested that we could try some solids since his feeding problem was resolved as being a result of pain and not a neurological disability. 

So two nights ago we had our first solid meal!  Rice cereal, Owen did great.  Very interested and accepting of the spoon.  I am hopeful that this will continue to be a positive experience for us both!

All the Ze Cousins

Grandpa, Dad and Owen
 Grandma and Owen

The Damko Cousins

Carter, Owen and Emma
Emma and Owen


  1. Oh my! That is so awesome that you guys went all the way to the bay area to visit family!!! We haven't back to Lake Havasu (five hour drive) since Alexander was 18 months old, almost 3 years ago :( When Riley was a baby she hated her car seat, but is after 2.5 years finally is getting used to it. I'm so glad to hear that Owen loved the car and enjoyed the ride. LOVED hearing that he like Sound of Music!!! "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OD MUUUUUSIC!!" Miss you much!

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome trip, and I'm sure everyone was ECSTATIC to see Owen (and you guys of course!) haa
    Loved the pics of your dad holding him- something about a Grandpa just melts the heart.
