Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What the peanut is up to . . .

I checked and it has been a little while since I updated on what the family is up to.

Most importantly, Owen is army crawling and sitting independently.  He is getting super fast at the crawling thing and he looks really close to coming up on all fours.  Every time I try to help with his physical therapy moves he squiggles right out, he has no patience to try and get his legs up underneath him when he is so fast at his army crawl.  When I watch him from behind he looks like a crocodile or a lizard:-)  It is super cute and super exciting.

Eric and I have been trying to "baby proof" the house and also have started teaching Owen what not to touch.  He now knows that door stops, dog toys, dog tails, dog bowls, doors, and his diaper champ are off limits.  But to him that just means try to get there faster so that he can enjoy his forbidden fruit before it is taken away:-)  The dogs are no help because they bring their gross stuffed animals very close to Owen's blanket as soon as you get down on the floor with him:-)

I also try to read at least 3 books a day to him which is difficult because he wants to turn the pages as fast as possible and rip them out.  So he has two cardboard books that we read OVER and OVER and OVER:-)  "Happy Baby Animals" is his all time favorite and we received that one for free from Dr. Lersch!

Owen is also very proficient at telling me when he is pissed off!  For instance when I will not let him rip my favorite books to shreds, or play and eat plants. . . .and he is also super duper snuggly.  When he is done playing he trys to get to you to snuggle up so you will pick him up.  I just love it.

His eating is also going very well still.  We are up to 3 solid meals a day consistently with about 24-26 ounces of formula.  We are still only eating very pureed foods as of now, waiting for him to catch up a little more developmentally before introducing more texture.  Our OT says that once he develops his 2 finger pincer grip that will go hand in hand with starting finger foods. . . . . once again the human body and its development continue to astonish me with its complexity and harmony.

Over Labor Day Eric's parents came out to visit and it was nice to get to be able to see them.  Owen especially enjoyed learning to play catch with Grandma!  Shortly after that, my parents drove out to visit for a week.  It was great to see Owen get to interact with his extended family.  With my Mom out, I purchased my very own sewing machine and enlisted my sister as slave labor to start the preparations for Owen's 1st birthday which is coming up just around the corner.  Stay tuned for pictures after the party.  And check out the photo website in the September folder for the 300+ pictures my Mom took while she was out here. . . . VERY nice camera by the way:-)
Pleas notice Linus in the background:-)

Caught trying to fold laundry!

Forbidden fruit, and a very kind dog.

Reading his favorite book.

1 comment:

  1. That's SO good that you read to him at a young age. We've always done that with Camden, & worked with her on flash cards/bath letters, etc. I am in LOVE with his green frog jammies!!
