Thursday, October 14, 2010

No more Specialists

Today we had Owen's 1 year follow up echocardiogram to see if there was any evidence of pulmonary hypertension.  I had been dreading this appointment because people are supposed to (have to) hold still for this and it is a VERY LONG time!  When he was 4 months old it was hard, well skip to today. . . . . let me tell you he was ALL OVER the place, they had to swaddle his arms at his sides and put the blanketunder his bck to expose his chest.  And then our very nice technician worked as fast as possible while I held him down with one hand and held his vibrating star teether in his mouth with the other hand and he watched some crazy Baby Einstien video.  And that worked okay for about 10 minutes and then he started crying and SCREAMING for the remainder of the EKG which felt like FOREVER.  I have honestly never seen him so angry.

But when our cardiologist came in he was so excited. . . I have never seen him that "giddy".  He said that his EKG was "Stellar" and that he was extremely pleased at how good it looked.  Essentially Owen was discharged as completely normal with no follow up to do as long as he never exhibits any difficulties with breathing that might indicate that he is having trouble oxygenating his blood supply.  It was such a wonderful thing to hear and see Owen's doc so happy.  He kept asking me over and over if I was sure about the date of my pregnancy because it was just so hard to believe that Owen was a "24 weeker", and he thought Owen should be the poster child for NICU graduates.  He even gave us their cardio calendar as an example of one we should do for the NICU.  It was such great news. 

What a wonderful Birthday present to Owen's parents!

1 comment:

  1. That is SO awesome, I just had a chance to read this & was celebrating for you guys (to myself, of course!)
