Saturday, September 10, 2011

25 weeks

Okay, 25 weeks and 1 day pregnant!  I can't believe it, it truly feels very surreal.  I just had another ultrasound and the baby is measuring about a week bigger and my cervix is still long and closed.  This week was a little weird for me because I passed up the 24 week 5 day mark which was when my twin boys were born 2 years ago.  After such a traumatic pregnancy and delivery and first three months of life, I am so grateful and thankful and filled with happiness that this pregnancy has been such a night and day difference from my last pregnancy.  I still have a VERY long way to go, but I wanted to express some excitement about surpassing such a meaningful milestone to me.

On a sour note, I failed my glucose challenge test which means I have to do the 3 hour glucose tolerance test to determine if I have gestational diabetes.  Thankfully only 1/3 of people who fail the 1 hour test actually have diabetes and I am an incredibly low risk (it was probably that totino's pizza I had for lunch), but I will be  a little anxious until I have the results from this longer test.


  1. <3 Happy Dance!!! YAY! So excited for you to make it this far, keep on going! I'll cross my fingers for you during your 3hr. test that does not sound fun! <3 Just another day in the life of a mommy, workin' for your bebe prince to come!

  2. haaaa (sorry to laugh)- but I can't see you failing many tests in your life! The key is, that you're truly enjoying this pregnancy, that is awesome!
    Sorry we will miss you today, over @ The Bells' house, but can we plan a play date soon??...
