Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Travel

We've been out and about to Palm Springs with Eric's side of the family and up to the Bay Area to visit mine.  Owen continues to amaze us with how much he grows and changes everyday!  His vocabulary is increasing, and he is now wanting to use a fork and spoon for everything.  The fork is a very new addition and you should see how happy he gets when he is successful at stabbing food with it.

Some of Owen's favorite activities right now are "pretend mopping" with the swifter, coloring with his washable crayons (which come off tables, outlets, chairs, floor), playing keep away and peekaboo with Linus

My belly is getting larger and I have started telling Owen that there is a baby inside . . . but I think the concept is a little too abstract for him still:-)

Thoroughly enjoying the slide . . .

. . . and the swing

. . . and the pool . . .

Traditional Japanese play outfit from close family friends

Sharing with my cousin Emma

Loving the waterfall in Palm Springs . . . and the watering can!

1 comment:

  1. It was great seeing all your recent photos- miss you guys!
    Owen's crazy/cool hair is to die for, and I MUST know where you got that panda hat?? Looks like something Michael could have easily designed. (We have a kids' line started, but still needs some work.)
    Can't wait to see your baby bump!...
