Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome Oliver Henry Damko

Oliver Henry was born on December 26th at 3:25AM after just 11 hours of labor!  He weighed in at 8 lb 5. oz and 21 inches long.  A head full of dark hair and dark brown eyes rosy cheeks and an exhuberent personality! 

The last few weeks have been a struggle for sure between the physical trauma of birth (I really should have read up on what to expect the first few weeks) and the emotional rollercoaster of emotions, but I finally feel human, we've pretty much got nursing down and Owen is handling his new role as big brother very well.

Christmas at the Damkos

Here are a few pics from Christmas this year.  Because of my pregnancy we have been blessed with family in and out of town since Thanksgiving.  These last few months have been a whirlwind as we prepared for the birth of our new son Oliver (more to come on that).  I've been out of the blogging world for so long, its a little overwhelming getting back into it, but there's only one way back right?

Due to a non-pregnancy related complication at the very end of my pregnancy (starting with a very very painful cerclage removal and ending with a RECURRING but finally healed abcess) the weeks leading up to Christmas were filled with a lot of physical pain, not to mention I was also 40+ weeks pregnant!  Thankfully through it all, our baby was not affected while in utero by my ailments.

My ONLY baking this Christmas season:-(

None the less, I was very excited to celebrate Christmas with Owen for the first year he was really truly aware of presents and everything else.  Eric and I were exhausted but excited putting out everything under our tree for our little munchkin to discover the next morning!  Owen was a delight, loving all the santas, and other decorations during the season, and especially loving opening up his two advent calendars throughout the month of December.