Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome Oliver Henry Damko

Oliver Henry was born on December 26th at 3:25AM after just 11 hours of labor!  He weighed in at 8 lb 5. oz and 21 inches long.  A head full of dark hair and dark brown eyes rosy cheeks and an exhuberent personality! 

The last few weeks have been a struggle for sure between the physical trauma of birth (I really should have read up on what to expect the first few weeks) and the emotional rollercoaster of emotions, but I finally feel human, we've pretty much got nursing down and Owen is handling his new role as big brother very well.


  1. congratulations, he is beautiful!

  2. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!So so so happy you shared with us!!! You HAVE to share all the details of labor...many of my sis n laws and close friends did c-section so I need to know what I am up against!!! LOL Oliver is way too cute!!! Love that Owen is being a good big brother :) He was destined to be a big brother :))

  3. Sooo happy you posted, I've been dying to see pics of Oliver and the boys together! They did NOT disappoint, but of course we'd much rather see you all on person. Can we please do dinner soon, just when you're ready?!
    Congratulations again, we are very happy for the extension of your family.

  4. i like to see that you still "wear your babies". I cant wait to meet the newest little man.
