Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time Keeps on Slippin

Holy cow, I can't believe it has been almost a month since I last updated!  I am going to have to start scheduling time each week to write.

August has been very good to us.  Owen is doing so well, he keeps growing and growing.  Right now he is getting really close to being a mobile baby, and his physical therapist is hinting that he might "graduate" soon!  That is a huge deal and means that he is physically developing normally.  His occupational therapist/feeding therapist feels the same way.  She has been so impressed with both his progress in bottle feeding and spoon feeding.  She wants to stick around to make sure we don't have issues as we move on to different textures and then we will probably go from weekly visits to consultation only!  It is really amazing. 

We are probably averaging around 3 hours of tummy time each day and are also working on sitting unassisted.  When Owen is on his tummy he is working on pivoting around and engaging his legs to help him turn and also reach.  He is also perfecting rolling both ways as he prefers using his right side.  We are putting things just out of reach so that he has to army crawl towards it.  This is new for him and a big challenge, he looks like he is furiously swimming when he can't reach something:-)

During our sitting practice, Owen works on balancing himself and transitioning from a sitting position to his belly WITHOUT arching backwards and slamming himself down!  . . . . this is his preferred method of getting down, he doesn't know that the consequence of doing this without pillows or my body behind him will result in a BAD  headache!  We also put him over my leg in a crawling position so that he can work on feeling his legs underneath him and putting his weight on straight arms.  He is doing so well, I still can't believe all of the progress he has made.  It is still the most amazing things to watch him, I sometimes have trouble engaging in play because I am just stunned into silence and happiness at watching him do things on his own, that seemed so far away just a few weeks ago.

Check out our photo website to see some funny videos from August!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome progress! I loved seeing all your photos on the phanfare page. Owen has some adorable expressions (& lots of them!) You guys always find really cute onesies & dress him cute too. : )
    Looking forward to finally meeting him & seeing you guys this weekend...
